Our mission is to motivate and inspire each individual through education, & support to help them reach their full potential.
Our Goals
Our goal at Limb Loss is to help raise awareness about and increase practices to prevent limb loss.
No Amputee Alone
Limb Loss works to ensure that no amputee feels alone through pre- and post amputation and recovery.
Living Well With Limb Loss
The Amputee Coalition works to help amputees and their family live life to the fullest after amputation.
Are you an amputee or possibly about to become one?
Do you have questions or concerns?
Whether you are trying to make the decision or pre-op or post-op we are here to help you.
Schedule your peer visit today!
Contact Chris Marshall (CPV)
Phone: (204) 229-3178 Email: chris@limbloss.ca
Manitoba’s Premier Amputee Event 2nd Annual Limb Loss Education & Awareness Day,
Saturday, April 6, 2019
at the RBC Convention Centre
Limbloss is proud to announce the release of our application for Manitoba residents only, last year after fantastic fundraising events we have now begun the process of distributing the fundraised amounts,
If you have something you need or something you feel would make your life better please fill in application and send to chris@limbloss.ca or mail to:
1818 Portage Ave,
Winnipeg, MB R3J 0G5
We’re Stumped Podcast NOW Available to Listen online!
Paul and I are proud to announce the creation and publication of our podcast We’re STUMP’d
It is important that we get this out to all of you please give us a listen a like and a follow and if you have time please comment and rate
Your feedback is essential to our growth.
We are available on the following platforms:
Podbean: https://wearestumpd.podbean.com/
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/user-645734387
I tunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/were-stumpd/id1439919952?mt=2
And BuzzSprout, Please enjoy!
Rent-A-Blade Program
Now Available
Here are some frequently asked questions.
Q. Will it Hurt to wear a Prosthesis?
A: No. A good fitting prosthesis should not hurt. While there are some amputees that have unique conditions where they experience chronic pain, most amputees should be comfortable in their sockets. Socket fit is the most integral part of your prosthesis. All of the high tech prosthetic components available are useless if you cannot wear your prosthesis because it hurts. It is imperative to communicate what you are feeling to your Prosthetist so you achieve a comfortable socket.
Q. How come I can still feel my toes? Is this normal?
A: This feeling is called Phantom Sensation or Phantom Pain and most amputees experience it. It is real and can be minimal or very severe, and of course this is normal…it happens to almost all amputees.
- Phantom Sensation applies to two feelings: 1 – The feeling of actually having your limb after it has been amputated and 2 – pain that feels like it comes from your residual limb.
Q. What causes Phantom Sensation or Phantom Pain?
A: There is no exact answer to what causes Phantom Sensation, and it continues to be debated. Below are some suggested causes of Phantom Sensation that come directly from amputees experiencing PS:
Pain issues before amputation – Some amputees believe pain issues in muscles, joints, tendons, etc. simply continue as Phantom Sensations post amputation.
Stress – Some amputees find that stress, whether physical or mental, seems to intensify their phantom pain.
Inactivity – Some amputees find an increase in Phantom Sensation if they are inactive and/or stay in the same position for an extended period of time. They have found it helpful to make sure blood flow is not limited or impinged by how they are sitting.
Q. Can I still play sports with a prosthesis?
A: Most people can resume their sports activities using their prosthesis. Today, advances have been made that allow amputees to participate in practically any sport imaginable. There are amputee racecar drivers, amputee skiers, amputee kiteboarders, amputee hockey players and amputee runners.
Remember the only limits we have as Amputees are those you make yourself.
Q. Can I shower with my prosthesis on?
A: Yes , at least I do, make sure to dry your liners and your prosthesis well, but in my experience there is no reason you cannot shower with your prosthetic
Q. Can I swim
A: Absolutely, again, as long as you dry your liners and prosthetic there is no reason you cannot swim with a prosthesis
Q. Can I still Travel?
A: You can! Travel can resume as soon as you are ready, todays airlines and hotels have become very accommodating and can allow you to freely move about whether you use a wheelchair, walker or canes, or of course if you do not require walking aids. Usually when purchasing airline tickets you can click a box for handicap assistance, as well I encourage you to call your hotel/resort and ask questions to make you feel more comfortable with your plans.
Be prepared at the airport with today’s security, agents will inspect and search your prosthesis for security reason, and it is 100% normal to have this done, and they are extremely respectful of the situation as well, I personally have never felt un easy or disrespected.